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Fusion of Soft Electronics Specific/Core Projects

Director : Kilwon Cho
Affiliation : CASE

| Research summary

- Requirement of human-friendly, body-implantable, and attachable electronic devices for next generation applications and advanced system of artificial electronic skin (e-skin) and healthcare. - Requirement of human-machine interface based on soft electronics of stretchable / flexible artificial e- skin directly stimulating the sensory system of human. - Requirement for development of interdisciplinary research through effective management enabling to establish a new concept about a various kind of soft electronic devices and discuss the feasibility study for the concept.

| Participants

Name :Kilwon Cho
Affiliation :CASE
Tel :+82-54-279-2270
E-mail :kwcho@postech.ac.kr
Homepage :http://crg.postech.ac.kr
Name :Yoonyoung Chung
Affiliation :POSTECH
Tel :+82-54-279-2225
E-mail :ychung@postech.ac.kr
Homepage :http://yoonyoung.postech.ac.kr
Name :Il-Kwon Oh
Affiliation :KAIST
Tel :+82-42-350-1520
E-mail :ikoh@kaist.ac.kr
Homepage :http://sdss.kaist.ac.kr

| Research Purpose

Development of world-class stretchable soft electronic devices through integration of soft nano materials, fabrication, and device technology. Building the public infrastructure for development of nano-based soft electronics technology.

| Contents

Topic 1. Highly-sensitive patch-type electrical sensor for human body

- Development of wearable electrode composed of hierarchical nano-structure for effective bio-electrical signal (EMG, ECG) detection
- Development of highly sensitive, flexible vibration sensor for human voice recognition/analysis
- Development of temperature sensors based on semi-crystalline polymer
- Development of sweat collecting system with wedge pattern and 3D structure for effective glucose monitoring

(a) Nano-hierarchical gold electrode fabricated by anodized aluminum oxide membrane, measuring electromyogram (EMG). (b) Structure and performance of highly sensitive, flexible vibration sensor for human voice recognition/analysis. (c) Principle of temperature sensors based on semi-crystalline polymer. (d) Principle and performance sweat collecting system with wedge pattern and 3D structure for effective glucose monitoring.

Topic 2. Soft electronics based feedback-available tactile sensor system

- Linearly sensitive and stimuli-discriminable bimodal electronic skin with simultaneous detection of pressure and temperature stimuli
- Wearable haptic-feedback device for tactile and textural display

(a) Structure and performance of bimodal e-kin with linear sensitivity and stimulus-discriminability. (b) Structure and performance of doped rGO/PEDOT:PSS polymer composite actuator with high mechanical stability.

Topic 3. Healthcare electronic skin system for human body stimulation

- Development of low-power wearable baby monitoring sensor and wireless communication system to prevent sudden infant death
- Development of a wearable electric stimulator with a micro-needle array structure for restoring and improving human physical ability

(a) Schematic of low-power wearable sensor for preventing sudden infant death. (b) Explanation of system for prevention of sudden infant death, detecting baby's posture. (c) Diagram of electrodes with flexible micro-needle array structure. (d) Electric stimulation performance controlling electric parameters such as magnitude, frequency and pulse width.

| Expected Contribution

- Leading industrial development on future healthcare, medical, fitness and infortainment market with flexible/stretchable electronic skin fabrication technique
- Developing wearable soft haptic actuator converting electric signal into texture/tactile sensation beyond vision and hearing.
- Pioneering new healthcare system with electrical stimulating electronic skin in real time health monitoring

| Representative Research Achievement

1. H. H. Kim, B. Kang, J. W. Suk, N. Li, K. S. Kim, R. S. Ruoff, W. H. Lee, K. Cho, ACS. Nano 2015, 9, 5, 4726
2. Y. Chung, H. H Kim, S. Lee, E. Lee, S. W. Kim, S. Ryu, K. Cho, Sci. Rep. 2015, 5, 12575
3. G. Y. Bae, S. W. Park, D. Kim, G. Lee, D. H. Kim, Y. Chung, K. Cho, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 5300
4. G. Lee, S. G. Lee, Y. Chung, G. Y. Bae, S. Lee, S. Ryu, K. Cho, Adv. Electron. Mater. 2016, 2, 1600158